
Battling back

Getting back into swimming shape is a battle.  Maybe getting back into shape is a battle in general (and maybe why so many people don't bother), but swimming seems especially hard to me.  First, my arms haven't made 3,000 circles in an hour in probably six year and it's not a natural motion.  By the end of practice I have flat out muscle exhaustion.  My cardio isn't too bad, so that part isn't killing me, but my arms...pain!

You can do a lot of great thinking when you're swimming, but all I could think about was this battle I was waging.  I'm definitely not winning that battle yet, but I'll get there.  Literally the words "battle" and "war" were dancing around in my brain.  I was trying to keep myself motivated to keep moving.

And I'm making some swimming friends, so that helps a lot!  The pool is also brand new and beautiful.  

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